Is this only suprising to me?'
An online survey that sampled some 56000 men and women came up with the following results:
Only 39% of people discuss "HIV or STDs with a potential partner", while 31% never discuss it and (here is the kicker) 24% only discuss it with partners they don't know very well.
What the heck? So 24% of the 56000 people sampled not only refuse to protect themselves (and their future partners) but they only also admit to having partners that they "don't know very well"
I wouldn't even ride in a car with someone I didn't know very well and 24% of American's are admitting to a much more intimate ride with "people they don't know well"
Almost equally disturbing is the fact that 15% of respondents have paid someone for sex. Enter your workplace or classroom and count off 20 people. Three of those people have paid for sex.
And my favorite part of the survey?
17% of respondents selected "I am not sure" to the statment:
"I always know whether my partner does/does not have HIV or other STD."
ummm.... wouldn't "Im not sure meant that you DON'T always know (and thus be a NO response?). The number of people who are complete idiots is almost the same as those who have paid for sex.